Sunday, November 22, 2009

Children's lit and Drinky Drinks

Hey all!

Your girl Liz may be 24(plus a few), but she's still a party girl at heart! Just like a 23 year old!

Case in point--Last night I met my new friend Jessica out at Crescent & Vine in Astoria. I picked Jessica up at the laundromat a couple weeks ago. Why don't I have luck picking up MEN in the laundromat??? Oh well, Jess will do for now.

Jess brought her friend Valerie and then my two other friends--met through mutual friends--Meghan and Sandy joined us. I drank 3 Chimays and one other kind of beer, and dined on complimentary olives. Woohoo! Free snacks at the bar!

After a couple hours there we ventured to Sparrow's across from the Bohemian Beer Garden. We met a few guys. I think I asked one of them to buy me a drink! What a desperate 24 year old I am! He obliged, and I didn't even finish it.

At 3 we went home. I listened to music till 5 just because. I woke up way too early and finally mustered the strength to go to Chinatown for my children lit book club. We discussed A Wrinkle in Time, but I found the Rice Krispies treats, Sees chocolates, and even the healthy hummus far more exciting!

Now it's time to catch up on the DVR. What a life I lead!

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