Monday, April 27, 2009

Week in Review

What can I say? I am a busy girl. And sometimes lazy, hehe.

This week was actually a fabulous week not only in the quest for free food, but also for free stuff!

Let's start with Thursday. The Diane von Furstenberg shop near my office offered my company an exclusive night of shopping where we could get a 20% off all merch which means that one pair of shoes would still cost me 3 weeks salary. But, they were offering free hair-styling and manicures! When I walked into the store, I was immediately offered a can of champagne. That's right, a can. Very Paris Hilton. I quickly downed 2, and was feeling quite buzzed. A nice gay man styled my hair, but he made me feel guilty, like when the dentist yells at you for not flossing so that you think all your teeth will fall out. This hair-stylist, let's call him Vaughn, LAUGHED at my haircut. He was all, We NEED to do something about this. And I'm all, maybe if you didn't charge $150 we COULD do something about it, but for now I'm fine with it, got it? But Vaughn, inspired by Grey Gardens, curled and hair-sprayed my hair and it looked quite nice.

Friday was even cooler! It started off with a huge parent-company-wide networking breakfast where my fave Presidential historian Doris Kearns Goodwin spoke. I own several of her books, but they were all at my parents' house in MA, so I asked Ms. DKG to sign my Red Sox cap instead since she is a HUGE fan. She happily obliged! While this was certainly a highlight, so was the food! At the breakfast, I ate bacon, a bagel, potatoes, and French toast!

I returned to the office just in time for a lunchtime brainstorming session where they served us free pizza from Patsy's, candy, and soda! Yeah! And then the best part of the day happened: I received an e-mail from the Diane von Furstenberg store telling me I won the raffle and would be getting a bag! I picked it up shortly after. It's a beautiful overnight bag that I bet retails for $350. But your girl Liz got it for FREE!

Saturday I went to a yoga class in Astoria, and afterwards I went to my friend Holger's apartment. We sat on the roof and drank Coronas which were free for me as they were Holger's!

This probably was not the smartest idea because Sunday I ran a
half-marathon in Central Park
sponsored by New York Road Runners and More Magazine. I had been training for the race for the past 12 weeks so I was really excited to do it! Unfortunately, the temperature was in the 80s and I really struggled. I was fine for he first 5 miles, and then after mile 7 I started walking! After I drank some Gatorade I picked myself up and ran again. I ended up finishing in 2 hours and 35 minutes, about a 12 minute mile. While it was a painful process, I am really happy I did it and look forward to my next half!

The good thing, is I did receive some free swag from the race! In addition to bagels, Gatorade, and water, I got a neat little wristband pouch thingy that can hold my keys and id!

Today I was back to work and ate lots of Johnny K's candy. Hell, I ran a half-marathon yesterday, I'll eat whatever I want. Weight Watchers be damned!

Now I am going to bed!


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