Sunday, May 3, 2009

Dine and Dash


What a weekend it's been! Started Friday with yoga with my girls Megan and Holly. After we rewarded ourselves with a not free dinner at Lasagna in Chelsea. I ordered Veal Saltinbocca Alla Romana and a Carafe of chianti. Afterwards, Megan I went back to Queens. We drank a bottle of Charles Shaw Shiraz and 2 Heinekens, which were free for me as they belonged to Megan!

On Saturday I met my neighbor Kristen for a drink at a wonderful watering hole in our hood, Crescent & Vine. I ordered a Chimay and Kristen selected a glass of wine. The bill came out to $20, we put down $24.

Or, so I thought.

We're walking home and all of a sudden we hear a man chasing us. Kristen apparently put down a $5 instead of a $10 by accident. Yeah, we dined and dashed. It's like we were TRYING to make it free. But we were caught! And I emphasize, it was an ACCIDENT! I hope I can show my face there again!

Today I hosted my children's lit book club. We read The Amber Spyglass, the third book in the "His Dark Materials" trilogy. Now, I shelled out a pretty penny for wine and snacks, and my guests also brought over food which was free for me, including pork buns, scallion pancakes, egg rolls, popcorn, cookies, and chips. Yeah!

Now I'm going to bed.


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